(Just released 2-7-2025)
This book starts with the story of Candy’s daughter, Savannah, who was a chronic mouth breather from birth. Unfortunately this was never recognized as being a problem despite seeing many health practitioners at leading hospitals in the U.S. At age 8 her approximate 12 mm overjet was reduced by 2-3 mm.by a well meaning orthodontist. Savvy, a formerly active, energetic, happy child couldn’t run, could barely walk, had no energy, became depressed, and attempted suicide at age 12.That was just the beginning of a sad story that inspired Candy and her husband, Brad, to form the Children’s Airway First Foundation (CAFF) to prevent this from happening to anyone again. I became involved in Savvy’s treatment when she was 13and believe this is a story that everyone should read. The book outlines things to do to prevent this. I suspect and hope it will become a best-seller.
Joy is my dear friend. We collaborated on treating hundreds of patients (adults and children) over the years. Knowledge about myofunctional therapy with an emphasis on soft tissue ties, including tongue ties is essential to help patients. I have contributed a chapter in this book. Joy has trained many - if not most - of the myofunctional therapists in the U.S. She is also available to Zoom with patients anywhere in the world.
This is a unique, non-invasive approach to addressing allergies which is far more effective than traditional allergy shots in my experience. Hopefully you can find a practitioner of her approach in your area. We have seen dramatic changes in this regard. My wife has benefitted greatly from this non-invasive approach.
This is his third book which I’ve told him personally is “...the best book I wish I had never read”. When you read it you may well agree with me. Reading this is critical for those wanting to advise families on proper diet.
Rob is a pediatric endocrinologist and a lawyer. I know him well and have had him speak at various dental meetings. This book describes why we are so unhealthy as a society. You will not be happy after you read this because you learn about the deceit which has occurred.
He describes the impact of electrical fields on our health. You will not be happy when you read this book when you realize that you pretty much cannot escape what is happening. Having said that, it is very important to understand.
Pottenger followed up on Weston Price’s work with experiments on cats which essentially confirmed the strong relationship between an environmental cause of altered growth. The Price-Pottenger Foundation has existed for years and promotes both of these books.
Sharon is a very bright SLP (trained in myofunctional therapy) in Australia who is part of an on line group that I’ve been involved with for 4+ years. It is masterful and a great resource for parents to understand the importance of proper rest oral posture.
This is a far more in depth look at the many chronic health problems affected by poor breathing. It is exhaustive and more advanced than The Oxygen Advantage.
This book is critical to understand the importance of nasal breathing and a has been read by many mothers. Patrick has become a close friend of mine, a patient of mine, and I believe the leading authority on breathing in the world. Understanding this book is critical since nasal breathing is the end point goal of all airway treatment. Particularly helpful are the ways to open a closed nasal airway in less than a minute.
This amazing book is published in 37 languages and was at least #6 on the NYTimes bestseller list in 2020. It has raised awareness worldwide about proper breathing. Many mothers today have read this and are looking for people trained to treat their kids. It is must reading for anyone wanting to treat airway patients. You will be just as informed as the mothers coming to your office who have already read it.
Catlin was a Philadelphia attorney who gave up law and became a very famous Western Artist and photographer living among Native Americans in the1830’s. The book was first published around 1860 and describes the facial changes which occur with open-mouth posture. It is not politically correct! It is available in paperback on Amazon.
This is a powerful new book which sheds light on the impact of our lifestyle on our entire healthcare system. Interestingly she quotes from Price’s book rather extensively and credits his work with a lot of the current information which people actually think is new. This is a great book for anyone who wants to be healthy but particularly for someone wanting to treat airway issues.
Price toured the world in the 1930’s and observed primitive societies where the parents were fine with no tooth decay and no malocclusion, and their children suffered from both. This book should be required reading for every dentist and destroys the argument that malocclusion is somehow inherited.